Rose’s Gymnastics Training Center has been serving recreational and competitive gymnasts in Eastern North Carolina with a tradition of excellence since 1979. With a professional, caring staff, innovative teaching progressions, unparalleled organization and one the best equipped facilities in the state, RGTC has risen to be a trendsetter and highly respected throughout our region
Our primary emphasis is on development of the child to their fullest potential physically, psychologically, and socially using gymnastics as the learning tool.
Toddler Gym Classes: Ages 18 Months – 3 Years
Little Stars Classes: Ages 3 – 5 Years
Junior Stars: Girls Ages 5+
Star 1: Girls Ages 7+
Star 2,3,4: Ages 7+
Advanced Star: By Teacher Placement Only
Tumbling Classes: Ages 6+
Boys Recreational Gymnastics: Ages 5+